THE QUADRILLES - 4 Cpl. Square Set Dance
This dance is in five distinct figures of 64, 96, 128, 32 and 192 Bars
NOTE: Traditionally the Quadrilles are danced with a stylised walking step.
FIGURE I (La Pantalon)
1-8 1st and 3rd Cpl.s Rights and Lefts.
9-16 1st and 3rd Cpl.s set twice to partners and turn or swing with the Lt. hand.
17-24 1st and 3rd Cpl.s dance Ladies' chain.
25 - 28 1st and 3rd Cpl.s retaining Lt. hands cross to opposite position men passing by the left and both couples swinging round to face inwards at the end.
29 - 32 1st and 3rd Cpl.s half Rights and Lefts.
33 - 64 2nd and 4th Cpl.s repeat bars 1 to 32.
1-4 1st Lady and 3rd Man advance and retire.
5-8 1st Lady and 3rd Man cross and change places passing Rt. shoulders.
9-12 1st Lady and 3rd Man do si do.
13-16 1st Lady and 3rd Man cross back to places passing Rt. shoulders.
17-20 All set twice.
21 - 24 All turn partner.
25 - 96 Repeat bars 1 to 24 for each opposite pair, each clockwise Lady and her opposite going in turn.
1-4 1st Lady and 3rd Man cross and change places giving Rt. hands.
5-8 1st Lady and 3rd Man cross and change places giving and retaining Lt. hands to remain in the centre ready to balance in line collecting their own partners with Rt. hands.
9-12 1st and 3rd Cpl.s balance in line for 4 bars.
13-16 1st and 3rd Cpl.s turn their own partners with the Rt. hands back to place.
17-20 1st and 3rd Cpl.s holding Lt. hands cross to opposite position men passing by the left and both couples swinging round to face inwards at the end.
21 - 24 1st and 3rd Cpl.s half Rights and Lefts.
25 - 28 1st Lady and 3rd Man advance and retire.
29-32 1st Lady and 3rd Man do si do.
33-128 Repeat bars 1 to 32 for each opposite pair, each clockwise Lady and her opposite going in turn.
FIGURE IV (La Pastourelle)
1-4 1st and 3rd Cpl.s advance and retire.
5-6 1st and 3rd Cpl.s advance, 1st Man swinging his partner round to face him so that she takes the 3rd Man's free hand.
7-8 3rd Man between 3rd and 1st Ladies retires to own place while the 1st Man on his own retires to his place.
9-10 3rd Man between 3rd and 1st Ladies and the 1st Man on his own advances to meet each other.
11-12 1st and 3rd Cpl.s Rt. hands across halfway.
13-16 1st and 3rd Cpl.s Rt. dance half Rt.s and Lt.s.
17-32 2nd and 4th Cpl.s repeat bars 1 to 16.
FIGURE V (Le Finale)
1-4 1st and 3rd Cpl.s turn partners halfway by the Rt. hands and set.
5-8 1st and 3rd Cpl.s repeat bars 1 to 4 with the Lt. hand.
9-12 1st and 3rd Cpl.s advance and retire.
13-20 1st Cpl. lead towards the 3rd Cpl. with the Lt. hand, 1st Man crossing his partner in front of him for her to leave the set between the 2nd and 3rd Cpl.s while he leaves between the 3rd and 4th. 1st Cpl. dance up the outside to meet facing each other.
21 - 24 1st Cpl. set and turn partner to place with the Lt. hand.
25 - 32 1st and 3rd Cpl.s dance Ladies' chain.
33 - 36 1st and 3rd Cpl.s holding Lt. hands cross to opposite position men passing by the left and both couples swinging round to face inwards at the end.
37 - 40 1st and 3rd Cpl.s half Rights and Lefts.
41 - 48 All dance Rt. hands across and back in couples.
49-192 Repeat bars 1 to 48 for each couple in turn.