THE LANCERS - 4 Cpl. Square Set Dance

This dance is in five distinct figures of 96, 96, 64, 96 and 192 Bars
FIGURE I (La Dorset)
1-4 1st and 3rd Cpl.s advance and retire.
5-8 1st and 3rd Cpl.s advance and turn partners back to place with the Rt. hand.
9-12 1st and 3rd Cpl.s change places for 2 bars, 1st Cpl.s dancing between 3rd to begin, and return with the 3rd Cpl. dancing between.
13-16 All set and turn corners with both hands to finish facing inwards with nearer hands joined.
17-20 All advance and retire with corners, nearer hands joined.
21 - 24 All turn corners with both hands to finish alongside partners in original square formation.
25 - 96 Repeat bars 1 to 24 three more times alternating direction each time.
FIGURE II (Lodoiska)
1-4 1st Cpl. advance and retire holding Rt. hands.
5-6 1st Cpl. advance holding Rt. hands.
7-8 Whilst retiring 1st Man rotates his partner to face him and then drops hand to retire to place while the Lady retires to the centre.
9-12 1st Cpl. Chassez to the Rt. and Lt.
13-14 All turn partner with the Rt. hand.
15-16 All turn partner with the Lt. hand to finish in two facing lines up and down the dance, 1st Man, 2nd Lady, 2nd Man and 3rd Man, opposite 1st Lady, 4th Man, 4th Lady and 3rd Man.
17-20 All advance and retire.
21 - 24 All turn partners with both hands to the left opening out to original position.
25 - 96 Repeat bars 1 to 24 three more times alternating direction each time.
FIGURE III (La Native)
1-4 1st and 3rd Ladies advance and form a circle.
5-8 1st and 2nd Men advance and all form a basket. Men form a circle on the outside of the Ladies, partner on Men's Rt. the Ladies then lift their joined arms over the heads of the Men.
9-16 1st and 3rd Cpl.s Circle round clockwise with the basket dropping back to place at the end.
17-20 All the Men advance gently with dignity, and a walking step, to the centre.
21-24 Men turn to face partners and bow then turn anticlockwise ready for Lt. hands across with partners.
25 - 32 Lt. hands across, in pairs with Men in the centre. Back Rt. hands but with Ladies in the centre.
33 - 64 Repeat bars 1 - 32 with 2nd and 4th Cpl.s making the basket.
NOTE: It is not unknown for all the couples to make the basket together, and just repeat the whole lot for the fun.
FIGURE IV (Visiting)
1-8 1st and 3rd Men, lead partner to the Cpl. on their Rt. and bow. Repeat to the Cpl. on their Lt. Dancing Cpl.s remain with those Cpl.s
9-16 1st Cpl. with 2nd Cpl. and 3rd Cpl. with 4th Cpl. Rt. hands across and back with the Lt. hand. Dancing Cpl.s again remain with those Cpl.s
17-24 1st Cpl. with 2nd Cpl. and 3rd Cpl. with 4th Cpl. circle 4 hands round and back, 1st and 3rd Cpl.s dancing to place to finish.
25 - 48 2nd and 4th Cpl.s repeat bars 1 to 24.
49 - 96 Repeat bars 1 to 48 but going to the Lt. to begin.
FIGURE V (Les Lanciers) or (The Grande Chain)
1-16 All bow or curtsey to partners and grand chain, repeating the bow and curtsey half way.
19-20 4th Cpl. turn with both hands to finish behind the 1st Cpl.
21-24 2nd Cpl. then the 3rd repeat bars 19 to 20
25 - 28 Chassez, Men going behind partner to the Rt. Ladies to the Lt. and bow and curtsey
29 - 32 Repeat Chassez back to place, Men again going behind the Ladies and again finishing with a bow and curtsey
33 - 40 1st Cpl. lead a cast off towards 3rd place, meet and lead back towards own place to generate two facing lines.
41 - 44 All advance and retire.
45 - 48 All turn partners back to original place.
49 -192 Repeat with each couple.