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Although originally written for 2 Couples the figure has been modified for 3.
Devised for Strathspey Time but now danced in Reel & Jig Times
Bars |
1 - 2 |
1st & 2nd Couples set on own side lines with nearer hands joined, facing Partners. |
3 - 4 |
1st & 2nd Couples, still on their own sides, and with nearer hands still joined, rotate clockwise about the axis of their joined hands to change places. At the very end of bar 4 all drop hands and pull their right shoulders back to rotate clockwise to face own partner across the dance. |
Note: |
The figure was devised in the mid 60’s by Alec Hay who taught it with hands joined throughout. The written instructions in Book 23 (1967) do not mention hands at all but the diagram shows hands joined for bars 3 to 4. It is however common in this area for hands to be dropped for bars 3 to 4 so the dancer should be warned. Dropping hands spoils the flow of this figure so if the other person allows you, hang on. |
Instructions given for couples having progressed in a previous figure to the order 3rd, 1st & 2nd and all on the wrong side of the dance.
1 - 2 |
3rd, 1st & 2nd Couples set on own side lines with nearer hands joined, facing Partners. |
3 - 4 |
The 1st Corners, i.e. 3rd Lady & 2nd Man (Those on the left end of each line and with their left hand free) dance within the dance to the other end of the line and rotate clockwise to face in the direction from which they have just come. The other two persons in each line pull their right shoulders back and chase round to join up in lines across the dance with the other corner person. (1st Cpl. lead in each case) Hands have to be dropped in ‘Set and Link’ for 3. Finish:- Counting from the men’s side, 2nd Lady, 1st Lady & 2nd Man at the top facing down. 3rd Lady, 1st Man & 3rd Man at the bottom facing up. |
5 - 8 |
Repeat bars 1 to 4 from new positions, the same dancers changing ends of lines and same dances chasing round. Finish 2, 1 & 3. |
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