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Diagonal Rights and Lefts is a three couple figure commencing with the end couples having changed places diagonally. Take it, as is usual, that the top couple is the third couple and they are on the wrong side of the dance, the centre couple are the first couple on the correct side of the dance and the second couple are at the bottom on the wrong side of the dance. The first Lady always dances up when crossing and the first Man always dances down.
Giving right hands the first couple starts the figure by crossing with the person diagonally to their right, that is those in their own first corner position. Hence, the first Man crosses downwards, giving right hand to the second Man who is in the bottom Lady’s position and the first Lady crosses upwards, giving right hand to the third Lady who is in top Man’s position. All four dancers then change places on the sides giving left hands; that is the first Man with the third Lady and the first Lady with the second Man. The figure is then completed with the remaining two dancers who are now diagonally to the first couples left, that is in their partner’s second corner position. The first Man continues the figure by crossing downwards, giving right hand to the second Lady who is in bottom Man’s position and the first Lady similarly crosses upwards with the third Man who is in top Lady’s position. All four dancers then change places on the sides giving left hands; that is the first Man with the third Man and the first Lady with the second Lady. All are now on their own side of the dance in the order two, one, three.
This figure takes twelve bars to complete, two bars being used for each hand. When giving right hands all the dancers cross the set with the couple who are opposite them. When giving left hands the dancers in first lady’s position and the third man’s position change place on the diagonal while the other dancers change with the dancer alongside them on the side.
Starting in with second couple in top place, first in second place and third at the bottom with all on own side; all three couples cross the set giving right hands to finish 2, 1, 3 on the wrong side of the dance. At the end of the first two bars this leaves the 2nd Man in top Lady’s position diagonally facing the 3rd Lady in bottom Man’s position.
The 2nd Man and the 3rd Lady change places on the diagonal while the 1st and 2nd Ladies and the 1st and 3rd Men change places all giving left hand. Finishing after 4 bars in the order: 3rd Lady, 3rd & 1st Men on the Ladies’ side and 1st & 2nd Ladies and 2nd Man on the Men’s.
All cross giving right hands for the next 2 bars to finish in the same order but on the other side.
The 1st couple now change places on the diagonal while the 2nd and 3rd couples change places with own partner, all giving left hand. Finishing after 8 bars in the order: 1st & 2nd Men and 2nd Lady on the Ladies’ side and 3rd Man with 3rd and 1st Ladies on the Men’s side.
All cross giving right hands for the next 2 bars to finish in the same order but on the other side.
The 3rd Man and the 2nd Lady change places on the diagonal while the 3rd and 1st Ladies and the 1st and 2nd Men change places all giving left hand. All are now in original place.
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